Video: Jeppesen Takes on ForeFlight Et. Al. with New Mobile App

Jeppesen has added en route charts and GPS position to its iPad app. They say these features are just the beginning. This video is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation and Phillips 66 Aviation.

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Jeppesen has had its approach charts on the iPad for some time, but there was no en route mapping or flight planning for Jepp users on the iPad. That's changed now with the new Jeppesen Mobile Flight Deck app (JeppFD). The maps are data-driven, so they show different details depending on the zoom level and offer pop-up details for the tapping. The en route charts and airport diagrams show the aircraft position, but approach charts still do not. The new app is free to anyone with a working serial number on the older JeppTC app and to subscribers of the newly announced Express JeppView services for other digital charting, such as a cockpit MFDs. The company says the app will add flight planning and overlaid weather in the future.

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This video is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation and Phillips 66 Aviation.