Video: Kyle Franklin on His ‘Extremely Tough Year’
At Sun ‘n Fun, AVweb‘s Glenn Pew stole a few moments from air show fixture Kyle Franklin. Already performing again after sustaining serious injuries during a crash last March that proved fatal for his wife and partner Amanda, Franklin didn’t shy away from discussing his future plans and what he called “an extremely tough year.” This video is brought to you by FAST (Flight and Aircraft Services Tracking), Aspen Avionics, and XM WX Satellite Weather.
At Sun 'n Fun, AVweb's Glenn Pew stole a few moments from air show fixture Kyle Franklin. Already performing again after sustaining serious injuries during a crash last March that proved fatal for his wife and partner Amanda, Franklin didn't shy away from discussing his future plans and what he called "an extremely tough year."
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This video is brought to you by FAST (Flight and Aircraft Services Tracking), Aspen Avionics
, and XM WX Satellite Weather

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