Video: Legend’s Lycoming O-233 Cub
American Legend is working away on its Lycoming O-233-powered Legend Cub. Although it’s not at Sun ‘n Fun, AVweb‘s Paul Bertorelli got a detailed look at the airplane at Legend’s factory on the way to Sun ‘n Fun. Here’s his report. This video is brought to you by FAST (Flight and Aircraft Services Tracking), Aspen Avionics, and XM WX Satellite Weather.
American Legend is working away on its Lycoming O-233-powered Legend Cub. Although it's not at Sun 'n Fun, AVweb's Paul Bertorelli got a detailed look at the airplane at Legend's factory on the way to Sun 'n Fun. Here's his report.
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This video is brought to you by FAST (Flight and Aircraft Services Tracking), Aspen Avionics
, and XM WX Satellite Weather

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