Video: Movie Pilot Corkey Fornof and ‘the Ferrari of Airplanes’

If you’ve never seen Corkey Fornof fly – well, you probably have, whether you realized it or not. He’s worked as a stunt pilot in more productions than we (and maybe even he) can keep track of. AVweb‘s Glenn Pew caught up with Fornof during a rare moment of downtime at Sun ‘n Fun and asked for the scoop on the drool-worthy Fury he flies for Lopresti Speed Merchants. This video is brought to you by FAST (Flight and Aircraft Services Tracking), Aspen Avionics, and XM WX Satellite Weather.

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If you've never seen Corkey Fornof fly - well, you probably have, whether you realized it or not. He's worked as a stunt pilot in more productions than we (and maybe even he) can keep track of. AVweb's Glenn Pew caught up with Fornof during a rare moment of downtime at Sun 'n Fun and asked for the scoop on the drool-worthy Fury he flies for Lopresti Speed Merchants.

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