Video of the Week: How to Crash a Boeing 720

This week’s “Video of the Week” comes to us from Spike/iFilm and goes all the way back to 1984, when NASA and the FAA worked together to crash a Boeing 720. Their intent was to study the influence of a fuel additive designed to suppress fire, but ours in the year 2007 is – well, honestly, to watch a very expensive aircraft go down in the name of research. (Click here to watch.)

This week's "Video of the Week" comes to us from Spike/iFilm and goes all the way back to 1984, when NASA and the FAA worked together to crash a Boeing 720. Their intent was to study the influence of a fuel additive designed to suppress fire, but ours in the year 2007 is - well, honestly, to watch a very expensive aircraft go down in the name of research.

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