Video of the Week: One-Winged RC Landing

Last week, we mentioned all the great radio-controlled flyer videos that have found their way to our inbox over the last couple of weeks. Just today we came across a new one (from AVweb reader Mike Whaley) that takes the cake. As Mike writes, making a successful landing with one wing is an impressive feat “in any scale.”

Last week, we mentioned all the great radio-controlled flyer videos that have found their way to our inbox over the last couple of weeks. Just today we came across a new one (from AVweb reader Mike Whaley) that takes the cake. As Mike writes, making a successful landing with one wing is an impressive feat "in any scale."

For the full story, check out this forum posting Mike sent to us in his e-mail:

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Don't forget to send us links to any interesting videos you find out there. If you're impressed by it, there's a good chance other AVweb readers will be too. And if we use a video you recommend on AVweb, we'll send out an official AVweb baseball cap as a "thank you."