Video: P-51 And Skyraider Midair With Pilot Account
Sunday, July 10, the P-51 Mustang dubbed Big Beautiful Doll crashed after a midair collision with a Douglas Skyraider while performing a flyby at the Duxford Flying Legends event in Duxford, England. No one was seriously injured. The Mustang’s pilot, Rob Davies escaped under parachute, but was struck by the aircraft on his way out. The Skyraider completed a full roll to the right after hitting the P-51 and landed safely, missing a portion of its right wing. Davies gave a local news station his account and AVweb has obtained video of the event. Click through to watch the impact, see Davies escape and hear his story.
Sunday, July 10, the P-51 Mustang dubbed Big Beautiful Doll crashed after a midair collision with a Douglas Skyraider while performing a flyby at the Duxford Flying Legends event in Duxford, England. No one was seriously injured. The Mustang's pilot, Rob Davies escaped under parachute, but was struck by the aircraft on his way out. The Skyraider completed a full roll to the right after hitting the P-51 and landed safely, missing a portion of its right wing. Davies gave a local news station his account and AVweb has obtained video of the event.
According to Davies, he was at about 500 feet "at the time of decision-making. And by the time I got out and got the 'chute open I was down to 200 feet. And unfortunately as I came out I hit the tail plane, so I suffered a few injuries through hitting that." His injuries, first reported as a broken arm, ultimately amounted to nothing more than bruises. But the Mustang nosed in and was lost. It did not burn and Davies landed close by. The Skyraider landed safely with a section of its right wingtip missing.
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