Video: Sun ‘n Fun Preview with J.R. ‘Lites’ Leenhouts

Lakeland, Florida and the 2012 Sun ‘n Fun international fly-in and expo. AVweb staff is on location and got a preview with new Sun ‘n Fun president and CEO John “Lites” Leenhouts. And from our off-camera conversations, we’ll add thiss: If you get the chance to talk airplanes with Leenhouts, take it.

Lakeland, Florida and the 2012 Sun 'n Fun international fly-in and expo. AVweb staff is on location and got a preview with new Sun 'n Fun president and CEO John "Lites" Leenhouts. And from our off-camera conversations, we'll add thiss: If you get the chance to talk airplanes with Leenhouts, take it.

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