Video: The Fun Side of Oshkosh
The common lament among AVweb staff at EAA AirVenture is that we spend a full week at the show but it seems like we see hardly anything. Sure, we cover the news, interview lots of interesting people and make sure there’s a wide variety of video, podcasts, photos and written information to give our readers a good picture of what’s going on. But few of us have ever gone to AirVenture for the pure joy of it, and that’s been an unintentional gap in our coverage. Kitplanes Editor Marc Cook came across this video on YouTube by James Perkins, of Georgetown, Texas, who has elevated getting the most out of Oshkosh to high art. James, who’s been going by the nickname Slick since before he can remember, is a carded aerobatic pilot who competes in his Pitts S-1C. He’s also an Eagle Scout and will soon be a freshman at Texas A&M where he has a full ride ROTC scholarship as a future naval aviator. He’ll turn 19 next month.
The common lament among AVweb staff at EAA AirVenture is that we spend a full week at the show but it seems like we see hardly anything. Sure, we cover the news, interview lots of interesting people and make sure there's a wide variety of video, podcasts, photos and written information to give our readers a good picture of what's going on. But few of us have ever gone to AirVenture for the pure joy of it, and that's been an unintentional gap in our coverage.
Kitplanes Editor Marc Cook came across this video on YouTube by James Perkins, of Georgetown, Texas, who has elevated getting the most out of Oshkosh to high art. James, who's been going by the nickname Slick since before he can remember, is a carded aerobatic pilot who competes in his Pitts S-1C. He's also an Eagle Scout and will soon be a freshman at Texas A&M where he has a full ride ROTC scholarship as a future naval aviator. He'll turn 19 next month.
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