Video: Van’s Aircraft Original ‘RV-1’

Dick VanGrunsven is responsible for the most populous homebuilt airplane of all, the RV-3. Five years ago, Van’s Aircraft enthusiast Paul Dye found the RV-3’s forerunner – a heavily modified Stits Playboy that became VanGrunsven’s prototype – and embarked on a restoration project. The rejuvenated “RV-1” is currently on tour with Dye and will find a permanent home at the EAA Museum in Oshkosh at this summer’s AirVenture fly-in. We spoke with Dye and got a close look at RV-1 at Sun ‘n Fun in Lakeland, Florida. This video is brought to you by FAST (Flight and Aircraft Services Tracking), Aspen Avionics, and XM WX Satellite Weather.

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Dick VanGrunsven is responsible for the most populous homebuilt airplane of all, the RV-3. Five years ago, Van's Aircraft enthusiast Paul Dye found the RV-3's forerunner - a heavily modified Stits Playboy that became VanGrunsven's prototype - and embarked on a restoration project. The rejuvenated "RV-1" is currently on tour with Dye and will find a permanent home at the EAA Museum in Oshkosh at this summer's AirVenture fly-in. We spoke with Dye and got a close look at RV-1 at Sun 'n Fun in Lakeland, Florida.

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