21 Days To A CUB
If you think about something you spent 18 days doing in your life, chances are you don’t envision a completed aircraft at the end of it. But that’s what Texas Sport Aircraft is offering participants in its KwikBild program available when they buy a Texas Sport CUB kit. The 21-day total (Sundays are off) program takes the builder from scratch through assembly, paint, firewall forward etc. to a complete aircraft in a factory setting with all kinds of helpful advice from the folks who do it for a living. There’s also a 14-day program that gets the project well under way for finishing at home. “Building a Texas Sport Aircraft is an exciting endeavor,” says a company news release, noting that KwikBild customers share the factory floor with others completing their aircraft and the pace is “brisk.”
If you think about something you spent 18 days doing in your life, chances are you don't envision a completed aircraft at the end of it. But that's what Texas Sport Aircraft is offering participants in its KwikBild program available when they buy a Texas Sport CUB kit. The 21-day total (Sundays are off) program takes the builder from scratch through assembly, paint, firewall forward etc. to a complete aircraft in a factory setting with all kinds of helpful advice from the folks who do it for a living. There's also a 14-day program that gets the project well under way for finishing at home. "Building a Texas Sport Aircraft is an exciting endeavor," says a company news release, noting that KwikBild customers share the factory floor with others completing their aircraft and the pace is "brisk."
There's some flexibility in the outcome of the project, too. Those who want to fly their aircraft under private pilot privileges can build a plane with a gross weight of 1,600 lbs. If they want to operate under E-LSA rules, the kit can be made to top out at the required 1,320 lbs."The aircraft is a derivative of the popular American Legend Cub, and is intended for amateur aircraft builders," the news release says. A completed kit is on display at the show.