A ‘Credible Lead’ For MH370?

News reports late on Wednesday said Australian officials had spotted two objects via satellite that could be floating debris from the lost Malaysian Airlines 777.

News reports late on Wednesday said Australian officials had spotted two objects via satellite that could be floating debris from the lost Malaysian Airlines 777. Ships and aircraft are under way now to the site to investigate.Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein told reporters in Kuala Lumpur the new information is a "credible lead."

"There remains much work to be done to deploy the assets,"Hishammuddinsaid. "This work will continue overnight." He added that the information received from Australia had been "corroborated to a certain extent" by other satellites.The satellite imagery shows two indistinct objects that appear to be floating in water several thousand feet deep, according to Australian officials. One object is about 79 feet long and the second one is about 16 feet long.