Aerion Markets Airfoil Technology

Aerion Corp. has been refining its supersonic business jet design for several years while seeking a manufacturing partner, and now the company is branching out to offer its proprietary airfoil technology for use in other projects. “Discussions with multiple aircraft manufacturers, especially in recent months, have clearly demonstrated to us that there is demand to expand our services to include our natural laminar flow engineering for subsonic applications,” Robert Bass, chairman of Aerion, said this week at the European Business Aviation Conference and Exposition in Geneva. The new branch of the company will be called Aerion Technologies.

Aerion Corp. has been refining its supersonic business jet design for several years while seeking a manufacturing partner, and now the company is branching out to offer its proprietary airfoil technology for use in other projects. "Discussions with multiple aircraft manufacturers, especially in recent months, have clearly demonstrated to us that there is demand to expand our services to include our natural laminar flow engineering for subsonic applications," Robert Bass, chairman of Aerion, said this week at the European Business Aviation Conference and Exposition in Geneva. The new branch of the company will be called Aerion Technologies.

Aerion says its natural laminar flow wing can deliver extended range, speed, and efficiency. In 10 years of research and analysis, the company has developed computational fluid dynamics programs and then verified their data in flight and wind-tunnel tests. "Aerion Technologies offers ready-for-use, proven tools and expertise," said Richard Tracy, chief technology officer. Manufacturers of emerging civil and military aircraft for a range of missions have expressed interest in working with Aerion, the company said. Aerion will also continue to develop its planned 8-to-12 passenger supersonic business jet.