Aeroscraft To Build Corporate Airship

If an ordinary bizjet is too small for your corporate needs, you can always buy an airliner and reconfigure the interior. But if that won’t do, you now have another option — buy yourself an Aeroscraft ML866 airship, which will have 5,000 square feet of interior cabin space. This “office in the sky” can be equipped with computers, videoconferencing capability, high-tech communications and personal staterooms. It can operate from just about any open space, no airport needed. Worldwide Aeros Corp., based in California, said on Tuesday it will officially announce the new airship project at the NBAA Convention next month in Atlanta. The Aeroscraft will use both buoyant and dynamic lift to generate “unique operational capabilities beyond what is available from any other air platform today,” the company said.

If an ordinary bizjet is too small for your corporate needs, you can always buy an airliner and reconfigure the interior. But if that won't do, you now have another option -- buy yourself an Aeroscraft ML866 airship, which will have 5,000 square feet of interior cabin space. This "office in the sky" can be equipped with computers, videoconferencing capability, high-tech communications and personal staterooms. It can operate from just about any open space, no airport needed. Worldwide Aeros Corp., based in California, said on Tuesday it will officially announce the new airship project at the NBAA Convention next month in Atlanta. The Aeroscraft will use both buoyant and dynamic lift to generate "unique operational capabilities beyond what is available from any other air platform today," the company said. "We are coming to the NBAA show because we have reached a level where we can solicit input from the customer community to ensure the Aeroscraft will change the way executives travel and do business outside of the office," Aeros Vice President Fred Edworthy said in a news release. Wherever you need to go, though, you'd best not be in a big hurry -- the ML866 offers 120 knots top speed. Aeros builds the FAA-certified Aeros 40D Sky Dragon Airships.