Air Taxi Efforts Move Forward In Virginia
Despite some discouraging news lately for those hoping to develop a next-generation air taxi system — such as the recent demise of DayJet — some upbeat news came along this week when the Virginia SATSLab (VSATS), in partnership with the Air Taxi Association (ATXA), officially launched, a new on-demand online flight reservations system. Besides allowing travelers to book on-demand flights instantly, the site features information about the industry, commonly used air taxi aircraft, FAQs, and a detailed directory of Virginia airports. Operators may be added to the system in as little as one business day. “Virginia has always been at the forefront of accelerating next-generation aviation,” said Keith McCrea, executive director of VSATS. “This Web site will help foster community airport utilization across the 64 local airports throughout the Commonwealth.”

Despite some discouraging news lately for those hoping to develop a next-generation air taxi system -- such as the recent demise of DayJet -- some upbeat news came along this week when the Virginia SATSLab (VSATS), in partnership with the Air Taxi Association (ATXA), officially launched, a new on-demand online flight reservations system. Besides allowing travelers to book on-demand flights instantly, the site features information about the industry, commonly used air taxi aircraft, FAQs, and a detailed directory of Virginia airports. Operators may be added to the system in as little as one business day. "Virginia has always been at the forefront of accelerating next-generation aviation," said Keith McCrea, executive director of VSATS. "This Web site will help foster community airport utilization across the 64 local airports throughout the Commonwealth."
ATXA is demonstrating the system this week in its booth at the NBAA Convention in Orlando, Fla. "In launching, Virginia has taken a leading role in creating public awareness about on-demand flights from their local airports onward to wherever they need to go," said Joe Leader, president of ATXA. "This opens an opportunity for every community airport to have direct flights to hundreds of destinations. These on-demand, direct flights will be a driver of economic development to communities across the state." ATXA is an alliance of next-generation air taxi providers that offer direct, on-demand flight service. VSATS is a public-private partnership whose mission is to research, develop and implement safe and accessible aviation technologies that promote economic development in Virginia.