Airbus A380 To Fly Next Week With Singapore Airlines

On the heels of Boeing’s announcement that its latest design, the 787 Dreamliner, will be delayed six months, Singapore Airlines (SA) is expected to fly its first Airbus A380 next week for the very first time. The carrier has gone the luxury route and outfitted its double-decker Airbus with sleeping cabins that can be converted to flying offices. Those flying economy class on the jet will at least enjoy their own 10.5-inch screen. SA’s configuration has room for 471 passengers instead of seating for the 800 or more passengers the aircraft is capable of confining.

On the heels of Boeing's announcement that its latest design, the 787 Dreamliner, will be delayed six months, Singapore Airlines (SA) is expected to fly its first Airbus A380 next week for the very first time. The carrier has gone the luxury route and outfitted its double-decker Airbus with sleeping cabins that can be converted to flying offices. Those flying economy class on the jet will at least enjoy their own 10.5-inch screen. SA's configuration has room for 471 passengers instead of seating for the 800 or more passengers the aircraft is capable of confining.

"It sets new standards in luxury and comfort," Singapore Chief Executive Chew Choon Seng told The aircraft's cabin is said to be extremely quiet in the air, too, no matter how much you paid for your seat. Qantas will soon be sending competing A380s into service, with a maximum seating capacity of 450, showing that the jet's 800-seat potential is (for now) being set aside for other concerns.