Airline Pilot Sues Over Age-60 Rule

Gene Carswell, a former US Airways pilot, has filed suit in federal court in the District of Columbia, claiming that the airline discriminated against him on the basis of age when he was forced to retire at age 60. He also alleges that US Airways, the Air Line Pilots Association and the AFL-CIO colluded to discriminate against him, and said the unions breached their duty of fair representation. He has published a Web site with updates on the suit, and he invites other US Airways pilots who were forced to retire as a result of the “age-60 rule” to join the class action. ALPA recently changed its long-term position in regard to the age-60 rule, when the executive board (not the members as erroneously reported in Monday’s AVwebFlash) voted to drop their opposition to a change so they could contribute to discussions about changing the rule.

Gene Carswell, a former US Airways pilot, has filed suit in federal court in the District of Columbia, claiming that the airline discriminated against him on the basis of age when he was forced to retire at age 60. He also alleges that US Airways, the Air Line Pilots Association and the AFL-CIO colluded to discriminate against him, and said the unions breached their duty of fair representation. He has published a Web site with updates on the suit, and he invites other US Airways pilots who were forced to retire as a result of the "age-60 rule" to join the class action. ALPA recently changed its long-term position in regard to the age-60 rule, when the executive board (not the members as erroneously reported in Monday's AVwebFlash) voted to drop their opposition to a change so they could contribute to discussions about changing the rule. It's expected that the FAA will change the regulations to conform more closely to international rules that now allow one pilot to be up to 65 years old as long as the other pilot is under 60.