Anti-Scud Running Web Site Launched

Well, there’s a Web site for just about everything these days and is aimed at the growing frustration of GA pilots in obtaining IFR clearances. The free site, modeled after Wikipedia, offers user-editable listings giving pilots airport-specific guidance on expeditiously obtaining IFR clearances while they’re safely on the ground. “If IFR clearances are readily available, pilots are less tempted to launch under VFR with the intention of picking up the IFR in the air, says the news release. In this way, hopes to help reduce scud running, and further improve general aviation safety.

Well, there's a Web site for just about everything these days and is aimed at the growing frustration of GA pilots in obtaining IFR clearances. The free service, announced last week, offers pilots airport-specific guidance on expeditiously obtaining IFR clearances while they're safely on the ground. "If IFR clearances are readily available, pilots are less tempted tolaunch under VFR with the intention of picking up the IFR in the air," says the news release. "In this way, hopes to help reduce scud running, and further improve General Aviation safety." The site is aimed at anyone who routinely needs to file IFR in unfamiliar places and is based on the "tribal knowledge" of pilots who have already learned the shortcuts for each airport. The service is free and no registration is required. "The whole purpose of flying General Aviation is to go fast," says Rob Montgomery, the product manager for "Recently, long delays have crept into the clearance delivery process, and that gets expensive. Hopefully, will help folks get on their way just a little faster."