AOPA Says Texas Summit Will Be The Last

The annual AOPA Summit is coming up in a few weeks, in Fort Worth, Texas, but AOPA said on Tuesday this will be the last time it holds the event. “Convention plans for 2014 have been cancelled,” AOPA said in a news release. AOPA said it plans to redirect the time and resources spent on the Summit to hosting more “grassroots” events and visiting community airports. “I want our members to make a personal connection with AOPA, and that is best achieved by meeting them where they fly,” said Mark Baker, AOPA president, who took office last month. “This decision is about going out to where our members are, maximizing the number of pilots that we reach … and seek their honest feedback in a more comfortable and relaxed setting.”

The annual AOPA Summit is coming up in a few weeks, in Fort Worth, Texas, but AOPA said on Tuesday this will be the last time it holds the event. "Convention plans for 2014 have been cancelled," AOPA said in a news release. AOPA said it plans to redirect the time and resources spent on the Summit to hosting more "grass-roots" events and visiting community airports."I want our members to make a personal connection with AOPA, and that is best achieved by meeting them where they fly," said Mark Baker, AOPA president, who took office last month."This decision is about going out to where our members are, maximizing the number of pilots that we reach … and seek their honest feedback in a more comfortable and relaxed setting."

AOPA said the Fort Worth exhibit hall is nearly sold out, and new exhibitors are still signing up. Thousands of members also are registered to attend the event, which will feature seminars, exhibits and social events. In 2014, which is AOPA's 75th anniversary year, Baker and other AOPA leaders will host a "series of enhanced pilot town halls and fly-ins." These Saturday events will offer an educational forum and barbecues, AOPA said.