Attention, Aircraft Owners/Operators: ‘Aviation Consumer’ Wants to Hear About Your Experiences with Engine Warranties

Our sister publication, Aviation Consumer magazine, wants to hear about your experiences with engine warranties. We’d like to know about warranties of new or remanufactured engines from the factory, field overhauls and “boutique” engine shops. In your opinion, was the warranty sufficient? Did you encounter problems after installation, and were they resolved to your satisfaction? Did any factory, overhauler or installer go beyond their warranty to address any problems? Please send a note to and let us know your experiences, including the factory or shop doing the work, the aircraft type and the nature of any problems. (The results will appear in a future issue of Aviation Consumer. For subscription information, click here.)

Our sister publication, Aviation Consumer magazine, wants to hear about your experiences with engine warranties. We'd like to know about warranties of new or remanufactured engines from the factory, field overhauls and "boutique" engine shops. In your opinion, was the warranty sufficient? Did you encounter problems after installation, and were they resolved to your satisfaction? Did any factory, overhauler or installer go beyond their warranty to address any problems?

Please send a note to and let us know your experiences, including the factory or shop doing the work, the aircraft type and the nature of any problems.

(The results will appear in a future issue of Aviation Consumer. For subscription information, click here.)