Austro Diesel Engine At AirVenture

Diamond Aircraft will be exhibiting the new AE 300 Austro engine next week at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. The Austro is a jet-A-burning, 170-hp, next-generation turbo-diesel engine that soon will be available on the DA42 Diamond twin. The AE 300 offers 26 percent more power than the engines currently on the DA42, says Diamond, for better takeoff and climb performance, better single-engine performance and more speed. Diamond has been working with MB Tech (a Mercedes Benz daughter company) and Bosch to develop the engine, and they expect European certification within a few months. The “next-generation” features include a clutch-less gearbox, a cast-iron crankcase, integral oil/coolant heat exchanger and improved turbocharger air induction and cooling systems.

Diamond Aircraft will be exhibiting the new AE 300 Austro engine next week at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. The Austro is a jet-A-burning,170-hp, next-generation turbo-diesel engine that soon will be available on the DA42 Diamond twin. The AE 300 offers 26 percent more power than the engines currently on the DA42, says Diamond, for better takeoff and climb performance, better single-engine performance and more speed. Diamond has been working with MB Tech (a Mercedes Benz daughter company) and Bosch to develop the engine, and they expect European certification within a few months. The "next-generation" features include a clutch-less gearbox, a cast-iron crankcase, integral oil/coolant heat exchanger and improved turbocharger air induction and cooling systems.

Diamond has been working hard to get the engine certified and online since their regular diesel supplier, Thielert Aircraft Engines, ran into delivery issues recently. The company will also have a flying prototype of its D-Jet on static display, along with its full-scale D-Jet mock-up.