Aviation Celebrates Womens Contributions

Events recognizing the impact of women coincided this week, with the celebration of International Womens Day on Wednesday, Women of Aviation Worldwide Week March 6 to 11 and the wrap-up of Women in Aviation Internationals annual conference, which was held March 2-4 in Florida, drawing some 4,500 attendees. WAI continued its work in matching women with scholarships to advance their aviation careers, awarding 112 scholarships worth more than $600,000.

Events recognizing the impact of women coincided this week, with the celebration of International Women's Day on Wednesday, Women of Aviation Worldwide Week March 6 to 11 and the wrap-up of Women in Aviation International's annual conference, which was held March 2-4 in Florida, drawing some 4,500 attendees. WAI continued its work in matching women with scholarships to advance their aviation careers, awarding 112 scholarships worth more than $600,000. WOAW activities are scheduled around the world this week in an effort to inspire women to get involved in aviation. Events include flight demos, factory and school open-houses and museum special programs.

The events don't stop with this week. WAI will offer International Girls in Aviation Day on Sept. 23, with a slate of events around the world for girls ages 8 to 17. Peggy Chabrian, president of WAI, told AVweb industry support for WAI's efforts continues to grow, and she was glad to host speakers from AOPA and FedEx at this year's conference. "I think they were truly surprised by the number of people and the variety of people from all segments of the industry," she said. "It was nice to see the industry coming together, seeing what we're all about, and being very supportive of what we're doing."