AVweb Adds Flight Tools to Web Site

If you’re a regular reader of AVweb and our sister aviation publications, you know that safety is a thread through practically everything we do. That’s why we’re delighted to help AVweb readers gain access to the latest in flight safety information courtesy of the Advocates for Aviation Safety Foundation Inc. (AASF). Have a look on the right side of the news section of the AVweb home page and you’ll find a slick little widget that allows you to plug in your zip code and find FAA Safety Team seminars being held within 100 miles of your zip. AVweb publisher Tim Cole said it’s another utility AVweb offers to help pilots. “Safety is on every pilot’s mind and this feature is just another way that we can help pilots achieve their safety goals,” Cole said. “We also recently added PIC Brief, which provides flight planning and other information with the stroke of a few keys, courtesy of WingX.” Both utilities are free of charge and can be found on the home page at any time – just scroll down the blue column and look for our “Pilot Resources” block.

If you're a regular reader of AVweb and our sister aviation publications, you know that safety is a thread through practically everything we do. That's why we're delighted to help AVweb readers gain access to the latest in flight safety information courtesy of the Advocates for Aviation Safety Foundation Inc. (AASF). Have a look on the right side of the news section of the AVweb home page and you'll find a slick little widget that allows you to plug in your zip code and find FAA Safety Team seminars being held within 100 miles of your zip. AVweb publisher Tim Cole said it's another utility AVweb offers to help pilots. "Safety is on every pilot's mind and this feature is just another way that we can help pilots achieve their safety goals," Cole said.

"We also recently added PIC Brief, which provides flight planning and other information with the stroke of a few keys, courtesy of WingX." Both utilities are free of charge and can be found on the home page at any time - just scroll down the blue column and look for our "Pilot Resources" block.