BizAv’s AD Watch
We start off this month’s BizAv AD Watch with a final rule for Gulfstream. This amendment [Docket No. 2002-NM-255-AD; Amendment 39-12909; AD 2002-21-03] adopts a new Airworthiness Directive (AD) that is applicable to certain Gulfstream Model G-V series airplanes.

Gulfstream G-V
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We start off this month's BizAv AD Watch with a final rule for Gulfstream. This amendment [Docket No. 2002-NM-255-AD; Amendment 39-12909; AD 2002-21-03] adopts a new Airworthiness Directive (AD) that is applicable to certain Gulfstream Model G-V series airplanes. This action requires performing a one-time general visual inspection of the pilot's overhead circuit breaker panel wiring for discrepancies; rerouting the P45-12 wire; and repair, if necessary. This action is necessary to prevent circuit breaker wiring from becoming pinched or damaged, causing arcing between the wire and attaching bracket, which could result in smoke and/or fire in the pilot's circuit breaker panel. This action is intended to address the identified unsafe condition. This final rule becomes effective October 21, 2002.
NOTE: AVweb's coverage includes the complete text of the Amendment in Adobe's Portable Document Format (pdf).
Agusta S.p.A 110 Helicopter
Helicopters are included in this month's watch, as Agusta operators are dealing with a new amended emergency AD. This amendment supersedes an existing emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD) for Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model A119 helicopters. EAD 2002-17-52, which was issued on August 21, 2002, was sent to all known U.S. owners and operators of Agusta Model A119 helicopters by individual letters. That AD currently requires installing a placard in the helicopter and marking the airspeed indication at 132 knots indicated airspeed (KIAS) before further flight; visually checking the tail rotor blades on both sides for a crack before each start of the helicopter engine; visually inspecting the tail rotor blades with a 5x or higher magnifying glass and conducting a dye-penetrant inspection if you are unable to determine by the visual inspection and whether or not there is a crack; replacing any cracked tail rotor blade; modifying the tail rotor hub and blade assembly, reidentifying the modified tail rotor hub and grips assembly and the modified tail rotor hub and blade assembly, which is a terminating action for the never-exceed speed (Vne) reduction; and establishing a retirement life for the tail rotor control rod.This action becomes effective October 31, 2002.
NOTE: AVweb's coverage includes the complete text of the Amendment, in Adobe's Portable Document Format (pdf).
Bell Helicopter
Yet another helicopter is the subject of an proposed AD this month. This NPRM proposes adopting a new Airworthiness Directive (AD) for Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited (Bell) Model 427 helicopters. This proposal would require replacing the hydraulic solenoid tee fitting (tee fitting) and tubes. This proposal is prompted by the manufacturer's discovery that tee fittings may be installed improperly and restrict hydraulic fluid flow. The actions specified by this proposed AD are intended to prevent restricted flow of hydraulic fluid to the flight control hydraulic actuators resulting in loss of hydraulic control, excessive stiffness in the flight controls, and a subsequent forced landing of the helicopter. Comments on this proposal must be received on or before December 17, 2002.
NOTE: AVweb's coverage includes the complete text of the Airworthiness Directive, in Adobe's Portable Document Format (pdf).