Bizjets Unfairly Targeted By Carbon Scheme
The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) says revisions are needed to the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to ensure it doesn’t unfairly burden business aviation. EBAA says the controversial climate change initiative, which was recently changed to include aviation emissions, places a disproportionate cost on so-called “small emitters” like bizjet operators. “Business aviation is treated unfairly compared with other modes of air transport. On average, business aircraft operators must acquire up to 96% of their historical emissions in permits compared with only 15% for airlines,” EBAA said in a news release.

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) says revisions are needed to the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to ensure it doesn't unfairly burden business aviation. EBAA says the controversial climate change initiative, which was recently changed to include aviation emissions, places a disproportionate cost on so-called "small emitters" like bizjet operators. "Business aviation is treated unfairly compared with other modes of air transport. On average, business aircraft operators must acquire up to 96% of their historical emissions in permits compared with only 15% for airlines," EBAA said in a news release.
EBAA says the EU could reduce the cost to small emitters through simplified administration and streamlined reporting and verification. The group also generally deplored the timing of the implementation of ETS on aviation when most sectors are already financially strained. "The year 2011, and one expects the year 2012 as well, had and will record negative air transport figures amidst depressed demand and rising operating costs," said EBAA CEO Fabio Gamba. 'The EU ETS is predicated on growth, and it becomes redundant if not harmful when growth is negative or lackluster at best."