Boeing Dreamliner Delayed Again
Boeing announced on Tuesday that its 787 Dreamliner will be delivered 14 to 16 months late, but some industry analysts said that was good news, the Seattle Times reported — it at least was a schedule they could believe. The original completion date had already has been pushed back twice. This week, the company added another six months, saying the airplane won’t fly until October and will be delivered in the third quarter of 2009. Boeing also reduced its production goals, saying it will deliver just 25 of the airplanes next year, down from over 100 in earlier estimates.

Boeing announced on Tuesday that its 787 Dreamliner will be delivered 14 to 16 months late, but some industry analysts said that was good news, the Seattle Times reported -- it at least was a schedule they could believe. The original completion date had already has been pushed back twice. This week, the company added another six months, saying the airplane won't fly until October and will be delivered in the third quarter of 2009. Boeing also reduced its production goals, saying it will deliver just 25 of the airplanes next year, down from over 100 in earlier estimates.
Some airlines that ordered the airplane have said they may seek compensation from Boeing for the delay. The company has accepted almost 900 orders, worth over $150 billion, for the airplane.