Bombardier Predicts 13,200 Bizjet Deliveries In 10 Years

Bombardier says the business jet market is virtually immune to the U.S.’s economic problems and demand will continue unabated through 2017. The prediction was made in the company’s annual market forecast and is notable because it’s a 33 percent increase over the numbers in last year’s forecast. And the company credits a shift to international markets from traditional dependence on corporate America for the rosy outlook. “As we transition to a more international customer base that features less emphasis on the U.S., as well as a structural shift towards larger and more cost-effective aircraft, [we] are expected to continue to generate strong interest across all markets,” said Mairead Lavery, Bombardier Aerospace vice-president of strategy and business development, in a statement released last week.

Bombardier says the business jet market is virtually immune to the U.S.'s economic problems and demand will continue unabated through 2017. The prediction was made in the company's annual market forecast and is notable because it's a 33 percent increase over the numbers in last year's forecast. And the company credits a shift to international markets from traditional dependence on corporate America for the rosy outlook. "As we transition to a more international customer base that features less emphasis on the U.S., as well as a structural shift towards larger and more cost-effective aircraft, [we] are expected to continue to generate strong interest across all markets," said Mairead Lavery, Bombardier Aerospace vice-president of strategy and business development, in a statement released last week.

Bombardier delivered 452 business jets last year, up 64 percent over the previous year. It was also the top revenue producer of all general aviation manufacturers. Four years ago, 70 percent of its sales came from the U.S. and last year it was less than half that.