Boyer Wins NBAA’s Top Award

The National Business Aviation Association has announced that Phil Boyer, the outgoing president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, is the winner of its 2008 Award for Meritorious Service to Aviation. NBAA says it’s the organization’s “most distinguished honor” and is awarded to an individual who “has made significant, identifiable contributions that have materially advanced aviation interests.” NBAA also announced that George Saling, former VP of aviation and travel services at Altria Corporate Services, is getting the John P. “Jack” Doswell Award for his work in developing business aviation safety programs.

The National Business Aviation Association has announced that Phil Boyer, the outgoing president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, is the winner of its 2008 Award for Meritorious Service to Aviation. NBAA says it's the organization's "most distinguished honor" and is awarded to an individual who "has made significant, identifiable contributions that have materially advanced aviation interests." NBAA also announced that George Saling, former VP of aviation and travel services at Altria Corporate Services, is getting the John P. "Jack" Doswell Award for his work in developing business aviation safety programs.

Among Boyer's accomplishments, NBAA pointed out his role in convincing the FAA to certify GPS for general aviation and the lobbying effort that led to passage of the General Aviation Revitalization Act in 1994, which lessened the exposure of aviation companies to liability suits and led to a revival of the industry. "Phil Boyer is among the most respected, knowledgeable and effective figures in the history of general aviation, and it is an honor for NBAA to pay tribute to him with our Association's highest honor," said NBAA President Ed Bolen. Boyer and Saling will get their awards at NBAA's annual convention in Orlando Oct. 6-8.