Business Groups Laud Sturgell’s Experience
The National Business Aviation Association has says it’s looking forward to an FAA under Bobby Sturgell, who’s been nominated to head up the agency. “Bobby Sturgell is a distinguished aviator with a strong government background, having served both at the National Transportation Safety Board, and at the highest levels of the FAA, and NBAA looks forward to working with him,” NBAA said in a news release. The Air Transport Association (NBAAs arch rival in the user fee fight) was downright effusive and pointedly mentioned the airspace modernization effort (which it says should come with user fees) that Sturgell worked on under former FAA Administrator Marion Blakey.

The National Business Aviation Association has says it's looking forward to an FAA under Bobby Sturgell, who's been nominated to head up the agency. "Bobby Sturgell is a distinguished aviator with a strong government background, having served both at the National Transportation Safety Board, and at the highest levels of the FAA, and NBAA looks forward to working with him," NBAA said in a news release. The Air Transport Association (NBAAs arch rival in the user fee fight) was downright effusive and pointedly mentioned the airspace modernization effort (which it says should come with user fees) that Sturgell worked on under former FAA Administrator Marion Blakey.
In a three-paragraph statement issued Tuesday, ATA President Jim May lauded President Bushs choice. "Bobby Sturgell is a highly respected leader of the aviation community.His distinguished and varied background, in both civil and military matters, uniquely equips him to serve as FAA administrator," said May. "We look forward to working with him on the wide range of issues that affect aviation, including the ongoing effort to modernize the nation's air traffic control system."