Business Jet Activity On The Rise

Analysts keep finding good news about the business jet market and the latest is UBS’s David Strauss, who says there’s a sustained uptick in business jet activity in the U.S. The Wichita Eagle says Strauss figures the use of newer business jets is almost back to “pre-crisis levels” and that use of older airplanes is still in decline.

Analysts keep finding good news about the business jet market and the latest is UBS's David Strauss, who says there's a sustained uptick in business jet activity in the U.S. The Wichita Eagle says Strauss figures the use of newer business jets is almost back to "pre-crisis levels" and that use of older airplanes is still in decline. That could point to a general loosening of the market as companies who have made do with their older jets get ready to kick the tires on the latest and greatest. The Eagle said Strauss reported that bizjet activity had grown at a "solid rate" for six of the seven months prior to the end of January 2014

As expected, the bigger the business jet, the more it flew. UBS said long-range business jets flew an average of 11 percent more in January of 2014 compared to the same month in 2013 and mid-sized aircraft saw a 4 percent jump. While light jets have generally suffered in such comparisons, Strauss said even they saw a 2 percent uptick. Embraer continues to add to its fleet in North America and flights by its jets were up 30 percent year over year in January.