Business Jet Deliveries Fall 32 Percent
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) says deliveries of business jets were off 32 percent from the same period a year ago. According to the organization’s shipment report for the third quarter of 2003, the fall in business jet deliveries contributed to an overall 9 percent decrease in shipments of general aviation aircraft for the quarter. The industry delivered 338 business jets compared to 498 in the same quarter a year ago. Other sectors fared better.

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) says deliveries of business jets were off 32 percent from the same period a year ago. According to the organization's shipment report for the third quarter of 2003, the fall in business jet deliveries contributed to an overall 9 percent decrease in shipments of general aviation aircraft for the quarter. The industry delivered 338 business jets compared to 498 in the same quarter a year ago. Other sectors fared better. Deliveries of turboprop aircraft also dropped 4 percent, from 170 to 163, while piston single sales actually increased, albeit by a tiny .2 percent, from 1,101 against 1,099 in Q3 2002. "We hope that (the single piston sales) is a harbinger of better days for the entire industry," said GAMA President Ed Bolen in a statement. Sales by the major companies broke down this way: Cessna, 42 Citations, 14 Caravans, 136 single pistons; Raytheon, 21 jets, 18 King Airs, six Barons, 16 Bonanzas; Bombardier, 16 bizjets; Boeing, three BBJs.