C-160 Transport Misses Photographers By Feet
Pictures and video have emerged documenting the final landing of a Transall C-160 twin turboprop last October in Germany that, because the aircraft bounced short, was very nearly the last thing a handful of photographers ever saw. The 17-ton aircraft has a wingspan of 131 feet and can carry more than 90 troops. On Oct. 16, it was being ferried to Ballenstedt Airport, Germany, before a final trip to a local aviation museum. Photographers were allowed to witness the event from a road 100 feet short of, and perpendicular to, the runway. On final approach, the aircraft bounced just short of the raised roadway, kicking up dirt, flexing its wings, and missing a handful of photographers by feet as it hopped over the remaining distance, touching down short of the displaced threshold on the paved runway. Pictures and video after the jump.

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Pictures and video have emerged documenting the final landing of a Transall C-160 twin-turboprop last October in Germany that, because the aircraft bounced short, was very nearly the last thing a handful of photographers ever saw. The 17-ton aircraft has a wingspan of 131 feet and can carry more than 90 troops. On October, 16, it was being ferried to Ballenstedt airport, Germany, before a final trip to a local aviation museum. Photographers were allowed to witness the event from a road 100 feet short of, and perpendicular to, the runway. On final approach, the aircraft bounced just short of the raised roadway, kicking up dirt, flexing its wings, and missing a handful of photographers by feet as it hopped over the remaining distance, touching down short of the displaced threshold on the paved runway.