CAA Rule Change Could Reveal Operators
The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is concerned that the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will compromise the safety and security of some business aviation owners and operators by publishing contact information for Air Operators Certificate (AOC) holders. A CAA communication, which EBAA Chief Executive Brian Humphries calls a new interpretation of existing regulations, could mean that as early as June 29 full contact information for all AOC holders will be published, excepting those whose petitions for exemption are accepted. (The CAA reserves the right to reject any argument.) EBAA says the move contradicts a clause of Section 23 of the Civil Aviation Act that prohibits the CAA from “publishing information relating to a particular individual or company.” But the CAA points to another clause that says it may publish information subject to “offering the person an opportunity to make representations,” which, as previously mentioned, it claims the right to reject.

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is concerned that the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will compromise the safety and security of some business aviation owners and operators by publishing contact information for Air Operators Certificate (AOC) holders. A CAA communication, which EBAA Chief Executive Brian Humphries calls a new interpretation of existing regulations, could mean that as early as June 29 full contact information for all AOC holders will be published, excepting those whose petitions for exemption are accepted. (The CAA reserves the right to reject any argument.) EBAA says the move contradicts a clause of Section 23 of the Civil Aviation Act that prohibits the CAA from "publishing information relating to a particular individual or company." But the CAA points to another clause that says it may publish information subject to "offering the person an opportunity to make representations," which, as previously mentioned, it claims the right to reject. The business and corporate aviation segment maintained by the UK defines the largest in all of Europe, so any potential change to the rules governing that segment is far reaching. The new rules target operators. It appears that clients (who are not holders of an AOC but merely employ charter aircraft services) would be spared.