Canadian Man Charged After Stealing, Crashing Seaplane

A Newfoundland man faces multiple charges after an alleged joyride in a relatives seaplane that ended with the aircraft upside down in a forest. The 32-year-old man reportedly helped himself to a relatives Cessna 180 Thursday evening near the coastal town of Jeffreys in western Newfoundland.

A Newfoundland man faces multiple charges after an alleged joyride in a relative's seaplane that ended with the aircraft upside down in a forest. The 32-year-old man reportedly helped himself to a relative's Cessna 180 Thursday evening near the coastal town of Jeffrey's in western Newfoundland. Taking a 59-year-old family member with him, the man took off, but apparently flew for only a few minutes as the floatplane crashed in a nearby wooded area, according to news reports. Authorities responded about 7 p.m. to an ELT signal, the CBC reported. Rescue crews and a local fire department found the passenger on foot with minor injuries and soon after found the younger man, who had fled in a truck, the CBC reported.

A police official told The Canadian Press the man was charged with flying without a license, dangerous aircraft operation and police obstruction, but "he is directly related to the owner of the plane, who does not want him charged with theft," adding that the Cessna owner was "just happy" the two men weren't seriously hurt. The older relative reported to police he had a seatbelt on during the flight and bumped his head in the crash, while the other man had a cut to his head and was limping. Police say he knew the aircraft, the Press reported, although it wasn't clear if he had any piloting experience.