Captain Dies On Transatlantic Flight
A relief pilot aboard a Continental Boeing 777 took the left seat of a flight from Brussels to Newark after the 60-year-old captain died during the flight. In a twist of modern communications, all the networks were waiting in breathless anticipation as a fully qualified crew landed without incident at Newark at 11.49 a.m. but CNN says pax told them they weren’t told of the drama in the cockpit. The only indication that anything was wrong was the call for a doctor during the flight. Continental says the captain, who had 32 years of service to the airline, apparently died of natural causes.

A relief pilot aboard a Continental Boeing 777 took the left seat of a flight from Brussels to Newark after the 60-year-old captain died during the flight. In a twist of modern communications, all the networks were waiting in breathless anticipation as a fully qualified crew landed without incident at Newark at 11.49 a.m. but CNN says pax told them they weren't told of the drama in the cockpit. The only indication that anything was wrong was the call for a doctor during the flight. Continental says the captain, who had 32 years of service to the airline, apparently died of natural causes.

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