Cessna Citation Mustang Update

Since Cessna’s Citation Mustang prototype took its first flight on April 23, 2005, the new very light jet (VLJ) has logged more than 36 hours in 19 flights and thorough testing of all systems is well underway, the company said earlier this month. In addition to the systems testing — including the Garmin G1000 avionics suite and the Pratt & Whitney PW615F engines and FADECs — the Mustang’s initial flight-envelope expansion was completed on May 2, 2005, with the Mustang demonstrating its interim flight envelope limits of 200 KIAS (0.63 Mach) and FL410. Cessna anticipates further expansion to Vmo and Mmo over the summer. Meanwhile, ground testing on the Citation Mustang cyclic fatigue test article begins in July at Cessnas 74,000-square-foot structural test facility in Wichita. The test article will fly over five lifetimes (75,000 hours) prior to Citation Mustang certification, Cessna said. In addition, 20 other ground test articles will be used for development and certification. Ground tests completed to date include safety of flight proof load conditions on the static article airframe, development drop testing for both the main and nose landing gear, and proof testing of all flight control systems.

Since Cessna's Citation Mustang prototype took its first flight on April 23, 2005, the new very light jet (VLJ) has logged more than 36 hours in 19 flights and thorough testing of all systems is well underway, the company said earlier this month. In addition to the systems testing -- including the Garmin G1000 avionics suite and the Pratt & Whitney PW615F engines and FADECs -- the Mustang's initial flight-envelope expansion was completed on May 2, 2005, with the Mustang demonstrating its interim flight envelope limits of 200 KIAS (0.63 Mach) and FL410. Cessna anticipates further expansion to Vmo and Mmo over the summer. Meanwhile, ground testing on the Citation Mustang cyclic fatigue test article begins in July at Cessnas 74,000-square-foot structural test facility in Wichita. The test article will fly over five lifetimes (75,000 hours) prior to Citation Mustang certification, Cessna said. In addition, 20 other ground test articles will be used for development and certification. Ground tests completed to date include safety of flight proof load conditions on the static article airframe, development drop testing for both the main and nose landing gear, and proof testing of all flight control systems. The Citation Mustang is getting off to a great start, said Jack J. Pelton, Cessnas chairman, president and CEO. We were able to complete first flight ahead of schedule, and during the first two weeks of flight testing we have not lost any flights due to mechanical or system failures. The Citation Mustang prototype will primarily be used for aerodynamic and system tests. The first production Citation Mustang (serial number 001) will be used for avionics development and certification. The second production Citation Mustang (serial number 002) will primarily be used for function and reliability tests and post-certification service tests, Cessna said.