CFI Refresher Now Live Online
Certified flight instructors due for a refresher now have the option to attend a live seminar online. The FAA has given its OK for AVseminars to offer its flight instructor refresher clinic (FIRC) to CFIs who participate remotely in a real-time live discussion, using a computer, microphone and webcam. The $69 course for the FAA-required 16 hours of training provides a new option for CFIs who want to save time and money compared to traveling to a live weekend clinic. With up to 24 instructors participating, the format also offers a more interactive and lively format than online self-study options, AVseminars CEO Bruce Micek told AVweb. “This is the first live online FIRC webinar to be approved by the FAA,” he added. The webinar will take place the weekend of April 10 and 11, online registration is open now.

Certified flight instructors due for a refresher now have the option to attend a live seminar online. The FAA has given its OK for AVseminars to offer its flight instructor refresher clinic (FIRC) to CFIs who participate remotely in a real-time live discussion, using a computer, microphone and webcam. The $69 course for the FAA-required 16 hours of training provides a new option for CFIs who want to save time and money compared to traveling to a live weekend clinic. With up to 24 instructors participating, the format also offers a more interactive and lively format than online self-study options, AVseminars CEO Bruce Micek told AVweb. "This is the first live online FIRC webinar to be approved by the FAA," he added. The webinar will take place the weekend of April 10 and 11, online registration is open now.
FAA flight instructor certificates are only good for 24 months. There are several ways to renew the certificate, such as signing off students, adding another rating, or attending an FAA-approved refresher clinic. CFIs can also complete a self-guided online course such as those offered by AOPA, Gleim, and others. Click here for the complete FAA regulation regarding CFI renewals.