Changes Proposed For Europe’s Aviation Safety Org
The European Parliament has included in a draft law a measure to expand the powers of the Germany-based European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and work toward uniform safety standards across Europe. The plan would allow EASA more precise power by allowing EASA to impose fines for carriers that break safety rules and function in a capacity that’s more similar to the FAA by overseeing air operations, pilot licensing and non-EU airlines flying into Europe. Specific to the fines, the proposal stipulates that they be deducted from EASA’s annual budget so they are not used to boost that budget.

The European Parliament has included in a draft law a measure to expand the powers of the Germany-based European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and work toward uniform safety standards across Europe. The plan would allow EASA more precise power by allowing EASA to impose fines for carriers that break safety rules and function in a capacity that's more similar to the FAA by overseeing air operations, pilot licensing and non-EU airlines flying into Europe. Specific to the fines, the proposal stipulates that they be deducted from EASA's annual budget so they are not used to boost that budget. To increase EASA's revenue from certification-related work, the EU plans to change the fee system so that larger manufacturers pay a larger share.

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