China To Hold First GA Fly-In
The first-ever general aviation fly-in will take place in China in September as part of a five-day summit on GA issues in Beijing. According to AOPA, the summit, sponsored by AOPA-China, will include government and military officials discussing the incremental relaxation of the almost prohibitive regulations that currently restrict private aviation. It will also include a two-day forum on the economic opportunities that will flow from the regulation changes. “It is an excellent networking opportunity with China’s aviation delegation, GA industry members as well as clients,” Yinjie Jason Zhang, a New-York-based pilot and member of the AOPA-China board of directors, told AOPA.

The first-ever general aviation fly-in will take place in China in September as part of a five-day summit on GA issues in Beijing. According to AOPA, the summit, sponsored by AOPA-China, will include government and military officials discussing the incremental relaxation of the almost prohibitive regulations that currently restrict private aviation. It will also include a two-day forum on the economic opportunities that will flow from the regulation changes. "It is an excellent networking opportunity with China's aviation delegation, GA industry members as well as clients," Yinjie Jason Zhang, a New-York-based pilot and member of the AOPA-China board of directors, told AOPA.
AOPA is sending Melissa Rudinger, its senior VP for government and regulatory affairs, and John Sheehan, the secretary general of the International Council of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations. "With the decision by the Chinese government to support GA development and airspace reform, China is a promising future market for the worldwide GA industry," Rudinger said. The summit runs from Sept. 20-24, and information about participation can be obtained by e-mailing