Citation Down In Germany: Four Dead

Two pilots and two passengers on a Citation died Sunday when the aircraft apparently hit an electric tower in heavy fog while trying to land at a German airport. Local authorities say all four were German but no identities were released.

Two pilots and two passengers on a Citation died Sunday when the aircraft apparently hit an electric tower in heavy fog while trying to land at a German airport. Local authorities say all four were German but no identities were released. When emergency crews arrived they found the plane inverted near a landfill and in flames. The accident occurred about noon near the city of Trier on Germany's border with Luxembourg.

The flight originated at Shoreham Airport and was destined for Fohren Airport, which is near the crash site. It was foggy all day in the area with an average visibility of .7 miles, a temperature of 30 degrees and a dew point of 31, according to Weather Underground.