Collins Pro Line 21 Avionics System Certified on Bombardier Challenger 300
In June, a Collins Pro Line 21 advanced avionics system received FAA and Transport Canada certification on-board the new Bombardier Challenger 300. The jet’s flight deck features four 12- by 10-inch liquid crystal flight displays, consolidated control panels, TCAS II and terrain awareness warning systems. In addition, turbulence-detection weather radar and 3-D Flight Management System navigation maps are also part of the approved package.
In June, a Collins Pro Line 21 advanced avionics system received FAA and Transport Canada certification on-board the new Bombardier Challenger 300. The jet's flight deck features four 12- by 10-inch liquid crystal flight displays, consolidated control panels, TCAS II and terrain awareness warning systems. In addition, turbulence-detection weather radar and 3-D Flight Management System navigation maps are also part of the approved package. The avionics suite also includes the Collins Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) to monitor, analyze and display performance of aircraft engines and other on-board systems. Bombardier also points out that the linkage of EICAS monitoring capabilities to the aircraft's maintenance diagnostic computer permits aircraft systems performance and maintenance data to be sorted, logged and analyzed, enhancing operations and simplifying maintenance.Bombardier says the Challenger 300 is the first new aircraft platform to be equipped with Collins Pro Line 21 CNS.