Correction: Contract Maintenance Rule

A story in last week’s AVwebBiz incorrectly stated the impact of the FAA’s proposed rule on contract maintenance. According to Richard Mills of the Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association, the effect on his members is greater than stated in the story. “The article states: ‘The new rule only applies to air carriers who operate aircraft with 10 passenger seats (not including pilots) and pure cargo aircraft are exempt,’ Mills said. “Unfortunately, pure cargo aircraft are not exempt. The dividing line is between operators of nine-or-less passenger seats programs under Part 135.411(a)(1) and everyone else (Part 135 ten-or-more, Part 121, and Part 145 repair stations). RACCA is urging members to comment on the proposed rule.

A story in last week's AVwebBiz incorrectly stated the impact of the FAA's proposed rule on contract maintenance. According to Richard Mills of the Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association, the effect on his members is greater than stated in the story. "The article states: 'The new rule only applies to air carriers who operate aircraft with 10 passenger seats (not including pilots) and pure cargo aircraft are exempt,'" Mills said. "Unfortunately, pure cargo aircraft are not exempt. The dividing line is between operators of nine-or-less passenger seats programs under Part 135.411(a)(1) and everyone else (Part 135 ten-or-more, Part 121, and Part 145 repair stations)." RACCA is urging members to comment on the proposed rule.