Correction: Jack Roush Audio

Click for a new photo sequence of the moment of impact at (opens in new window/tab) We got our wires crossed in our story in Monday’s AVwebFlash about the latest on the crash of Jack Roush’s Beech Premier at Oshkosh. We interpreted ATC recordings as suggesting another controller second-guessed the controller in the chair concerning the handling of Roush’s flight. We’ve been told by someone who should know (but isn’t in an official capacity to be quoted) that it was Roush who was questioning the instructions, not another controller. We’ve received numerous e-mails about the gaffe and most agree that it was Roush and the working controller in the exchange. Interestingly, though, we received several e-mails from people who claim to know Roush’s voice (that was a common theme) and who thought our original account was accurate. We also had a suggestion from a reader that we all wait for the analysis of the CVR and official ATC tapes before we engage in speculation. Seems like sound advice.

Click for a new photo sequence of the moment of impact at (opens in new window/tab)

We got our wires crossed in our story in Monday's AVwebFlash about the latest on the crash of Jack Roush's Beech Premier at Oshkosh. We interpreted ATC recordings as suggesting another controller second-guessed the controller in the chair concerning the handling of Roush's flight. We've been told by someone who should know (but isn't in an official capacity to be quoted) that it was Roush who was questioning the instructions, not another controller. We've received numerous e-mails about the gaffe and most agree that it was Roush and the working controller in the exchange. Interestingly, though, we received several e-mails from people who claim to know Roush's voice (that was a common theme) and who thought our original account was accurate. We also had a suggestion from a reader that we all wait for the analysis of the CVR and official ATC tapes before we engage in speculation. Seems like sound advice.