Crisis For Some, Opportunity For Others

While many general aviation manufacturers are cutting back and laying off to cope with the economic downturn, China’s Aviation Industry Corp (AVIC) said recently it is in the market to buy up a foreign GA manufacturer, to boost its own technological capabilities. The deal is already in the discussion phase and is expected to close by the end of this year, according to China Daily. No information was released regarding what manufacturer might be acquired, or in what country that company is based. And meanwhile, in Wichita, Kan., workers who have been laid off from their jobs in the aviation industry will soon have a shot at moving to sunny Florida. Piper Aircraft, based in Vero Beach, announced this week it will hold a job fair at the Wichita Airport Hilton next Thursday, Nov. 20, to hire workers for its PiperJet program and other projects. Piper seeks engineers to start immediately in airframe/structural design, stress analysis, electrical and avionics design, powerplant design, mechanical systems, liaison, industrial and manufacturing. Anyone seeking an interview should e-mail a resume to or call 772-299-2080 by next Wednesday, Nov. 19. For more information, visit the “Careers” link at

While many general aviation manufacturers are cutting back and laying off to cope with the economic downturn, China's Aviation Industry Corp (AVIC) said recently it is in the market to buy up a foreign GA manufacturer, to boost its own technological capabilities. The deal is already in the discussion phase and is expected to close by the end of this year, according to China Daily. No information was released regarding what manufacturer might be acquired, or in what country that company is based. And meanwhile, in Wichita, Kan., workers who have been laid off from their jobs in the aviation industry will soon have a shot at moving to sunny Florida. Piper Aircraft, based in Vero Beach, announced this week it will hold a job fair at the Wichita Airport Hilton next Thursday, Nov. 20, to hire workers for its PiperJet program and other projects. Piper seeks engineers to start immediately in airframe/structural design, stress analysis, electrical and avionics design, powerplant design, mechanical systems, liaison, industrial and manufacturing.

Anyone seeking an interview should e-mail a resume to or call 772-299-2080 by next Wednesday, Nov. 19. For more information, visit the "Careers" link at