Design A Paint Scheme, Win $1200

If the Pipistrel Panthera delivers on its performance numbers it could set a new standard of performance for four-place piston travel, but it could more certainly deliver 1,000 EUR to whoever submits a winning livery design. The company has opened a competition and is providing three digital images — a side, top and bottom view — for aspiring designers to use as their blank canvas. Pipistrel plans to unveil the Panthera, with the winning livery paint scheme, in 2012. The aircraft aims to cruise 1,000 nm with four aboard, fly into and out of grass or hard-surface runways, and burn 10 gallons per hour in cruise. Panthera’s cruise will drive it at 200 knots behind a Lycoming IO-390. The deadline for submissions is looming, and there are specific guidelines.

If the Pipistrel Panthera delivers on its performance numbers it could set a new standard of performance for four-place piston travel, but it could more certainly deliver 1,000 EUR to whoever submits a winning livery design. The company has opened a competition and is providing three digital images -- a side, top and bottom view -- for aspiring designers to use as their blank canvas. Pipistrel plans to unveil the Panthera, with the winning livery paint scheme, in 2012. The aircraft aims to cruise 1,000 nm with four aboard, fly into and out of grass or hard-surface runways, and burn 10 gallons per hour in cruise. Panthera's cruise will drive it at 200 knots behind a Lycoming IO-390. The deadline for submissions is looming, and there are specific guidelines.

Contestants need to submit their contributions to Pipistrel at and beware time-zone considerations when meeting the Jan. 10, 2012, deadline. The winning design will be chosen by Pipistrel. The designer will have his or her name adorned on the aircraft and win the 1,000 EUR reward. The winner will also relinquish to Pipistrel applicable copyrights. Contestants are warned to take note of the aircraft's interior colors and composite structure. The winning design will not see sun-facing surfaces painted with dark colors or colors that clash with the aircraft's interior. Full details for the contest, with guidelines and restrictions, are available here.