Dubai A Megabillion Marketplace

Oshkosh may be the biggest and Paris the most influential but when it comes to getting people to lay their money down, it would appear the Dubai Air Show is on top of the game. On the first day of the show, airlines, charter companies and others committed to more than $35 billion worth of hardware. Now, admittedly, the hometown favorite provided much of the fanfare. Fast-growing Emirates Airlines announced orders for 143 aircraft, including 120 Airbus A350s, 11 A380s and 12 Boeing 777ERs, worth $34.9 billion. But both Cessna and Embraer got off to a good start at the show, too.

Oshkosh may be the biggest and Paris the most influential but when it comes to getting people to lay their money down, it would appear the Dubai Air Show is on top of the game. On the first day of the show, airlines, charter companies and others committed to more than $35 billion worth of hardware. Now, admittedly, the hometown favorite provided much of the fanfare. Fast-growing Emirates Airlines announced orders for 143 aircraft, including 120 Airbus A350s, 11 A380s and 12 Boeing 777ERs, worth $34.9 billion. But both Cessna and Embraer got off to a good start at the show, too. Cessna sold about $190 million worth of aircraft to three separate companies while Embraer sold 19 bizjets and 10 airliners on the first day. This is a fantastic start to the largest-ever Dubai Airshow, show spokeswoman Virginia Kern told Al Bawaba.