EAA Picks Top Innovations From Aero Friedrichshafen

Every pilot likes to see a new version of a favorite product, but what really gets attention is something completely new. At Aero Friedrichshafen earlier this month in Germany, there was plenty of innovation going on — as AVweb‘s contributor Graeme Peppler reported from the scene — and this week, EAA created a list of the show’s hottest new ideas. Whether any of these will stand the test of time, or even make it into the U.S. market, remains to be seen. EAA’s choices include the Isatis LSA, which has moved the engine behind the cabin to allow for helicopter-like visibility. The Alatus-ME self-launching motorglider is electric-powered and folds up small enough to carry on your car’s roof rack. Flight Design’s hybrid engine made the list, as well as a Swiss anti-collision warning system for small aircraft. A line of electric airplanes from Yaneec International, a joint British-Chinese venture, include a quiet powered parachute and plans for a small twin. Many of these designs will make their U.S. debut later this year at EAA AirVenture, but we’ll also be on the lookout for new ideas and innovation next week at Sun ‘n Fun.

Every pilot likes to see a new version of a favorite product, but what really gets attention is something completely new. At Aero Friedrichshafen earlier this month in Germany, there was plenty of innovation going on -- as AVweb's contributor Graeme Peppler reported from the scene -- and this week, EAA created a list of the show's hottest new ideas. Whether any of these will stand the test of time, or even make it into the U.S. market, remains to be seen.

EAA's choices include the Isatis LSA, which has moved the engine behind the cabin to allow for helicopter-like visibility. The Alatus-ME self-launching motorglider is electric-powered and folds up small enough to carry on your car's roof rack. Flight Design's hybrid engine made the list, as well as a Swiss anti-collision warning system for small aircraft. A line of electric airplanes from Yaneec International, a joint British-Chinese venture, include a quiet powered parachute and plans for a small twin. Many of these designs will make their U.S. debut later this year at EAA AirVenture, but we'll also be on the lookout for new ideas and innovation next week at Sun 'n Fun. Staff from AVweb and our sister Belvoir aviation publications will be on the field daily all next week to bring you news and video from sunny (we hope) Lakeland, Fla.