Eclipse Seeks To Reveal Critics’ Names
A subpoena issued by a California court last week in response to a request by Eclipse Aviation seeks to obtain the names of about 28 people who have posted anonymous comments on the Eclipse Aviation Critic NG blog. The blog, hosted by Shane Price of Dublin, Ireland, is the “next generation” of the original Eclipse critic blog, which was started by Stan Blankenship in 2006 but stopped publishing earlier this year. The subpoena commands Google, which hosts the NG blog, to supply IP addresses of the commenters. “We’re not trying to suppress dissension or criticism,” Eclipse CEO Vern Raburn told the Albuquerque Journal. “We’re just trying to find out where it’s coming from.” Raburn said he wants to know if any of the posters are Eclipse employees or others who are legally bound by non-disclosure agreements. In a letter posted on the NG blog, Google says it will release the identifying information to Eclipse unless the posters object in court; several of the blog contributors have said on the blog site they will pursue such an action. Price wrote online that several of the blog aliases listed in the subpoena had never posted on his blog. “It seems to be very out of date,” he wrote, “and I’m actually feeling left out, as they didn’t include me.”

A subpoena issued by a California court last week in response to a request by Eclipse Aviation seeks to obtain the names of about 28 people who have posted anonymous comments on the Eclipse Aviation Critic NG blog. The blog, hosted by Shane Price of Dublin, Ireland, is the "next generation" of the original Eclipse critic blog, which was started by Stan Blankenship in 2006 but stopped publishing earlier this year. The subpoena commands Google, which hosts the NG blog, to supply IP addresses of the commenters. "We're not trying to suppress dissension or criticism," Eclipse CEO Vern Raburn told the Albuquerque Journal. "We're just trying to find out where it's coming from." Raburn said he wants to know if any of the posters are Eclipse employees or others who are legally bound by non-disclosure agreements. In a letter posted on the NG blog, Google says it will release the identifying information to Eclipse unless the posters object in court; several of the blog contributors have said on the blog site they will pursue such an action. Price wrote online that several of the blog aliases listed in the subpoena had never posted on his blog. "It seems to be very out of date," he wrote, "and I'm actually feeling left out, as they didn't include me."
The subpoena allows the bloggers until May 9 to respond.