EgyptAir Wreckage Found

Search crews found the wreckage of EgyptAir Flight 804 in the Mediterranean, officials announced Wednesday. The Egyptian Aviation Ministry’s statement said investigators met “to study thoroughly the progressive actions taken during the past period and in order to plan how to best handle the wreckage in the coming period,” ABC News reported.

Search crews found the wreckage ofEgyptAir Flight 804 in theMediterranean, officials announced Wednesday.TheEgyptian Aviation Ministry's statement said investigators met "to study thoroughly the progressive actions taken during the past period and in order to plan how to best handle the wreckage in the coming period," ABC News reported.

The Airbus A320 disappeared from radar en route from Paris to Cairo with 66 people on board on May 19. BBC is reporting that Egyptian officials stated"several main locations of the wreckage" were found.Search teams previously found debris in the area, but have been hampered with deep waters averaging nearly 12,000 feet along with strong currents and a rough sea floor. Signals from the jet's flight data recorders were detected on June 1. The devices are designed to emit signals for 30 days.