Embraer Stays On Course
Embraer finished certification of its 170 model late October. Luis Carlos Affonso, Embraer’s vice president of engineering and development, told reporters completing the documentation was the most important part of the certification process. At the firm’s headquarters in Sao Paulo state, the executive said final meetings with regulators would follow as the world’s 4th largest aircraft manufacturer seeks certification for Brazil, the United States, and Europe. The 170 model, of Embraer’s new family of regional jets will seat between 70 and 118 passengers. Admitting, “It was a very aggressive timetable,” Affonso told reporters the certification came about 53 months after the project began, which is more than one year after Embraer’s initial target of finishing the process in 40 months. Affonso said the company expected to deliver between three and six of the new 170 models this year, with two going to Alitalia, and the rest to US Airways Group. Embraer expects to deliver between 50 and 60 next year.
Puts Finishing Touches On The 170...
Embraer finished certification of its 170 model late October. Luis Carlos Affonso, Embraer's vice president of engineering and development, told reporters completing the documentation was the most important part of the certification process. At the firm's headquarters in Sao Paulo state, the executive said final meetings with regulators would follow as the world's 4th largest aircraft manufacturer seeks certification for Brazil, the United States, and Europe. The 170 model, of Embraer's new family of regional jets will seat between 70 and 118 passengers. Admitting, "It was a very aggressive timetable," Affonso told reporters the certification came about 53 months after the project began, which is more than one year after Embraer's initial target of finishing the process in 40 months. Affonso said the company expected to deliver between three and six of the new 170 models this year, with two going to Alitalia, and the rest to US Airways Group. Embraer expects to deliver between 50 and 60 next year.